Donna began her career with a local Broker/Dealer firm upon graduation from high school. She subsequently obtained a degree in Business Administration and has spent over 40 years serving in Management roles with Investment Adviser and Broker-Dealer firms.
Most recently Donna has served for almost 20 years as the President and Chief Compliance Officer of a FINRA Broker-Dealer firm, as well as Chief Compliance Officer and Vice-President/Director of Operations for a Registered Investment Advisor firm. She holds several industry-related licenses, as well as the Certified Regulatory & Compliance Professional (CRCP) designation through FINRA and the Wharton Business School.
Donna has now decided to work part-time, rather than fully retire, and has happily joined Almanack Investment Partners to assist in the Compliance Department. With this extra flexibility she enjoys spending time with friends and family, and ballroom, swing and country-western dancing, as well as traveling, gardening and reading.